How to perform timing check between asynchronous clock domains

If two clock domains are asynchronous and you have applied set_false_path between these two clocks, no timing checks can be performed. Also, if you have defined a clock group with asynchronous clocks using the set_clock_groups command​ with the -asynchronous option, by default the tool cannot perform a timing check. But if you use the -allow_paths option with the set_clock_groups command, timing check can be performed.

To control the data path delay between the registers from asynchronous clock domains:

  1. Specify the asynchronous clock domains such that the timing check is possible. So, the asynchronous clock domains should be specified with the set_clock_groups constraint, not with the set_false_path constraint.

  2. Select appropriate SDC constraints to restrict the combinational delay. So, the set_clock_groups constraint should be specified with the -asynchronous and -allow_paths options, as depicted in the following example:

set_clock_groups -asynchronous -group [get_clocks clk1] -group [get_clocks clk2] -allow_paths

After enabling timing check on the domain crossing paths, use the set_max_delay timing constraint with the -combinational_from_to option to specify the maximum delay allowed on this path segment.

Style 1: delay constraint using clock references

set_max_delay -from [get_clocks clk1] -to [get_clocks clk2] -combinational_from_to

Style 2: delay constraint using references to registers at clock domain crossing

set_max_delay -from <clock pin of source register FF1/CK> -to <data pin of destination register FF2/D> -combinational_from_to

The -combinational_from_to option guarantees the following:

  • Only the combinational path delay check is performed at the clock domain crossing.
  • Removes clock latencies from the delay computation.
  • Removes setup/hold constraint of the capture register from the delay computation.

Note: Append the -path_exceptions all option to the report_timing command to diagnose the max delay constraint applied on the path

To summarize:

  • Use set_clock_groups -asynchronous -allow_paths for asynchronous clock specification.
  • Use set_max_delay -combinational_from_to for path delay specification.

How to apply set_max_delay constraint path without clock latencies

If I apply set_max_delay on a Reg2Reg path and run report_timing, it generates the timing report including launch and capture clock latencies.

set_max_delay -from [get_clocks CLKB] -to [get_clocks CLKC] 2 report_timing -from [get_clocks CLKB] -to [get_clocks CLKC] -path_type full_clock

Path 1: VIOLATED Setup Check with Pin FF2/CK Endpoint: FF2/D (^) checked with leading edge of ‘CLKC’ Beginpoint: FF1/Q (^) triggered by leading edge of ‘CLKB’ Path Groups: {CLKC} Other End Arrival Time 1.767

  • Setup 0.179
  • Path Delay 2.000 = Required Time 3.588
  • Arrival Time 8.883 = Slack Time -5.295

    Clock Rise Edge 0.000 = Beginpoint Arrival Time 0.000

    Timing Path: ————————————————————————— Timing Point Edge Cell Delay Arrival Required Slack Phase Time Time
    ————————————————————————— clkB ^ - - 0.000 -5.295 -5.295 CLKB(C)(P) * C1/Y ^ MX2X1 0.201 0.201 -5.093 -5.295 CLKB(C)(P) * C2/Y ^ BUFX1 1.679 1.881 -3.414 -5.295 CLKB(C)(P) * FF1/Q ^ DFFHQX1 1.914 3.794 -1.501 -5.295 CLKB(D)(P)
    U1/Y ^ BUFX1 1.649 5.443 0.148 -5.295 CLKB(D)(P)
    U2/Y ^ AND2X1 1.814 7.258 1.963 -5.295 CLKB(D)(P)
    U3/Y ^ BUFX1 1.622 8.880 3.585 -5.295 CLKB(D)(P)
    FF2/D ^ DFFHQX1 0.003 8.883 3.588 -5.295 CLKB(D)(P)

    Clock Rise Edge 0.000 = Beginpoint Arrival Time 0.000 Other End Path: ————————————————————————— Timing Point Edge Cell Delay Arrival Required Slack Phase Time Time
    ————————————————————————— clkC ^ - - 0.000 5.295 -5.295 CLKC(C)(P) * C3/Y ^ MX2X1 0.101 0.101 5.396 -5.295 CLKC(C)(P) * C4/Y ^ BUFX1 1.662 1.764 7.059 -5.295 CLKC(C)(P) * FF2/CK ^ DFFHQX1 0.003 1.767 7.062 -5.295 CLKC(C)(P) *


I want to apply the set_max_delay constraint without launch and capture latency from Q pin to D pin of a Reg2Reg path triggered by specified clocks. How can I do this?


You can use the -combinational_from_to option with the set_max_delay command to treat path -from / -to pins as purely combinational; that is, both the source/capture clock latencies are excluded from slack computation as shown in the following example.

set_max_delay -from [get_clocks CLKB] -to [get_clocks CLKC] 2 -combinational_from_to report_timing -from [get_clocks CLKB] -to [get_clocks CLKC] -path_type full_clock

Path 1: VIOLATED Path Delay Check

Endpoint: FF2/D (^) Beginpoint: FF1/Q (^) triggered by leading edge of ‘CLKB’ Path Groups: {CLKC} Path Delay 2.000 = Required Time 2.000

  • Arrival Time 6.999 = Slack Time -4.999

    Clock Rise Edge - = Beginpoint Arrival Time 0.000 ————————————————————————— Timing Point Edge Cell Delay Arrival Required Slack Phase Time Time
    ————————————————————————— FF1/CK ^ - - 0.000 -4.999 -4.999 CLKB(C)(P) * FF1/Q ^ DFFHQX1 1.910 1.910 -3.089 -4.999 CLKB(D)(P) * U1/Y ^ BUFX1 1.649 3.559 -1.440 -4.999 CLKB(D)(P) * U2/Y ^ AND2X1 1.814 5.374 0.374 -4.999 CLKB(D)(P) * U3/Y ^ BUFX1 1.622 6.996 1.997 -4.999 CLKB(D)(P) * FF2/D ^ DFFHQX1 0.003 6.999 2.000 -4.999 CLKB(D)(P) * —————————————————————————

Written on December 28, 2020