Miscorrelation btw syn pnr and sta

Let us discuss various scenarios where we migh see miscorrelation btw the diff tool results in this article.

Btw PnR and STA

Correlation checklist

  • Different Settings
  • SPEF: Ensure same spef/rc are loaded in PnR and STA tool, that is , avoid calling extraction to prevent potential RC differences.
  • SDC: Ensure same constraints are used in both tools. Incorrect timing constraints are a common cause of mismatch.
  • SIAware is false in innovus and true in tempus also causes miscorrelation.

Debugging timing issues in syn tool

CASE 1: Instance or net is preserved. CASE 2: when instances are not placed closely. CASE 3: Make sure syn and pnr tool derates are same. CASE 4: SPEF

Written on January 10, 2021