Time borrowing for latch based designs

For Flops, data arrival later than capture clock edge causes SETUP violation. Whereas Latch remains transparent for entire duration of active clock edge, relaxing arrive-before-edge criterion.

As a result of this feature in latches:

  • Data can arrive later than capture clock arrival and borrow from the next clock cycle. This is called Time Borrowing or Cycle SStealing and the current stage slack improves.
  • Time available for next stage reduces, but no adverse effect if next-stage delay is short.

There are two kinds of time borrowing modes:

1) Max Time Borrow (default)

2) Latch Through Mode (this can be enabled if there are consecutive latches in the path and they are borrowing time)

Time borrow Analysis

Maximum borrow time = earliest latch open edge - latest latch closing edge.

Factors affecting Edge positions of capture clock

  • Library setup constraint of endpoint latch.
  • open vs close edge clock network latency.
  • open vs close edge clock uncertainty and jitter
  • open vs close edge CPPR

CPPR reduces pessimism while uncertainty(skew) and jitter increases it.

Max Borrow Time = w - s - deltaL - deltaCPPR + deltaUncert + deltaJitter

w - pulse width of the capture clock s - library setup constraint of endpoint latch deltaL - clock latency of latch open edge - clock latency of latch close edge deltaUncert - clock uncert of latch open edge - clock uncert of latch close edge deltaCPPR - CPPR for latch open edge - close edge deltaJ - latch open edge J - close edge J

Written on January 3, 2021